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Second Street (2021)
While the UK was still in Lockdown I decided to start taking virtual street photography in Second Life. A virtual world in which people can create an avatar and explore virtual lands and interact with other users. This series explores the virtual places people have created and the avatars people use to represent themselves.
Dog in Paris
Second Life can be used to explore far away places such as famous landmarks.
Second Life is the perfect place to learn about places that are hard to visit like space!
Water Dragon
You can explore everywhere, even underwater!
Strange New Worlds
Some places people explore are completely made by other's imaginations.
Get Down With Your Bad Elf!
This was taken while nightclubs were closed in real life due to lockdown. There was nothing stopping you from doing so virtually.
There are a lot of clubs in Second Life, this was taken at one specifically for furries. However there are clubs for all sorts of subcultures!
Wanna go for a swim?
You can be anything you want to, even a pink shark.
The Cold
There are many ways to customise your character, you can make a very realistic representation of yourself.
Feline Fine!
Some people will have animal avatars and explore and interact as if they are said creature.
Laughing Cow
Many people choose to use anthropomorphic animal personas to represent themselves digitally, also known as fursonas.
Principle Pony
Many people choose to be cartoon characters, such as this My Little Pony inspired avatar.
Some sims can have a theme and rules about appearance and others you can be as different as you want.
Tiny Friends
Avatars come in all sizes, some are small.
Big Beasts
Big avatars cause lag and take a long time to load, but they're very impressive.
Curious Bird
Many avatars use the same base model but are customised to be unique characters.
Some characters are species designed for Second Life such as the Meeroo.
The crux is a species designed for Second Life that was very popular.
Bored Cat
Many avatars have cute idle animations for while the player is busy such as this neko who was looking bored.
Many players choose to roleplay, many even taking virtual jobs. Some of these are just for fun and others can make profit.
Demon Wolf
A very cartoonish wolf exploring a sim looking for people to roleplay with.
Send Noodles
People often enjoy doing normal everyday activities like eating.
People like to be romantic online, be this with an irl partner or a virtual one
The Date
During lockdown many long distance couples went on virtual dates.
In The Club
Many users are trying to spend time with lots of friends and even make new friends.
Many friends choose to have similar avatars so they match.
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