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Rocks Of Lockdown (2020)
A collection of 50 amazing rocks created by strangers that made lockdown a lot more enjoyable. Many people, mostly children, painted rocks during the Covid-19 lockdown for others to find. Bringing joy during difficult times. I photographed the rocks I found during my walks to share these wonderful creations.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Mr. Happy
Mr. Happy to make you happy! Lockdown is a difficult time, especially when you were only allowed one walk a day. Painted rocks like this Mr. Men character help in brightening up the mood of those who find it.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Colourful Rainbow
A beautiful vibrant rainbow! Throughout the coronavirus pandemic rainbows were used to represent and support the NHS.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Pink and Black
A lovely unique pattern! The back said to rehide and that it was placed by the local church. A lovely way to spread hope and joy while they were unable to open.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Fox
Such a simplistic but cute fox! Foxes and other wild animals were spotted more frequently during lockdown while people stayed indoors. This is a charming representation of that.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Fireworks
This reminds me of fireworks. During lockdown many people clapped every Thursday for 10 weeks in order to thank the NHS for their work throughout the pandemic. As well as clapping many people set off fireworks.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Colourful
Not sure what this is, but I like the colours!
Rocks Of Lockdown - Glitter
Erm, I'm not quite sure what this one is but it's very colourful and glittery 10/10
Rocks Of Lockdown - Dog
A dog that likes to standout! Dogs have brought many people joy during lockdown and helped prevent loneliness.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Baby Yoda
Very well hidden Baby Yoda. Many people were stuck at home during most of lockdown and watched a lot of films to pass the time such as Star Wars.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Disgruntled m&m
I'd be upset too if I'd been eaten...
Rocks Of Lockdown - Eye See You
PTO - Please Turn Over. The other side just said to rehide, which I did. When a mysterious rock tells you to do something you don't ask questions.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Spider-Rock
Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Rock! Sadly returning back to normal and getting over the virus isn't as easy as it'd be in comics, but it's still nice to see Spider-Man lending a hand in cheering everyone up.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Snail
There wasn't many rainy days during lockdown, it was a very hot spring, so it's very rare to see a snail. What? ...Wait, oh, that's not a real snail.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Tooth Fairy
Important Update! I know there's a lot of doubters and naysayers out there. But the moment has finally arrived. I found the Tooth Fairy. I knew she was real!
Rocks Of Lockdown - Daffodil
It was a beautiful warm spring during lockdown, lead to many beautiful daffodils to spot during daily walks.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Ladybug Hiding
No need to hide! ...Or is she is following the 'Stay Home' advice?
Rocks Of Lockdown - Superrock
Look! No not up in the sky! It's not a bird! It's not a plane! It's Superrock! Superhero imagery was used a lot during lockdown to represent the NHS as 'real-life superheros'
Rocks Of Lockdown - Frosting
This rock sorta almost looks like a homemade birthday cake! There was a lot of baking done during lockdown, there was a major shortage on flour for months.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Tortoise
An adorable friend who's happy to see you!
Rocks Of Lockdown - Heart
Lovely minimalist heart found near a beautiful flower.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Blush Emoji
Unique rock in shape and amusing placement.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Tiny Spider
Spiders aren't everyone's cup of tea. But someone is clearly a fan!
Rocks Of Lockdown - Make A Wish
Constant positive messages helping keep everyone smiling during difficult times.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Happy Bee
Love how happy and shiny this is! Stands out a lot.
Rocks Of Lockdown - Slate
A very different rock and a much larger flat surface for the art, lovey vibrant rainbow.
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