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Virtual Photography

Happy New Year! I will still be continuing my Hello Stranger, and COVID-19 projects, but a new year means new projects! For 2021 I have decided to do various projects with the theme of escapism. Distractions from difficult times. Street photography is my main passion and I love sharing it. However, the ongoing pandemic has made taking this form of photography difficult, and due to the current lockdown restrictions within the UK I can not go out purely to take photos. For now I have put down my real camera, and picked up a virtual one in Second Life to take street photography. Second Life is an online virtual world launched in 2003, users can create avatars to represent themselves. They can use this avatars to explore areas made by other users, or even make their own. As there's no set objective Second Life can't really be classified as a game, it is instead a virtual world where people can do and create anything. I found this level of customisability fascinating and perfect for capturing photographs similar to the way I do in real life. My method for taking photography within Second Life - I explore different virtual areas and then take photographs of avatars as I find them. These photographs are unposed by me, like the candid street photos I usually take. I attempt to frame and compose these images in a similar way to how I do in real life. I have attempted to capture a range of different avatars to showcase the diversity of the various subcultures that use Second Life. This includes furries, people who enjoy anthropomorphic animals and often use them to represent themselves. I have called this series Second Street.

I will be posting a new image every Friday this year, I hope you enjoy! I also have other projects planned that I hope to share with you soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, Stay weird. Stay wonderful, Telly Vision (LostTelly)


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